Глава 4

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Глава 4

T. Solomon, “The Correlates and Consequences of Shyness in School Children” (Неопубликованный доклад, Stanford Shyness Project, 1976).

S. L. Hendrick, “The Study of Achievement as Related to Intelligent, Achievement, and Self-Concept,” Dissertation Abstracts International, A. Humanities and Sciences 33 (September/October 1972): 3–4.

S. Schachter, The Psychology of Affiliation (Stanford, Ca.: Stanford University Press, 1959).

N. Miller and P. G. Zimbardo, “Motives for Fear-Induced Affiliation: Emotional Comparison or Impersonal Similarity,” Journal of Personality 34 (1966): 481–503.

L. Forer, The birth Order Factor (New York: McKay, 1976), p. 128.

N. Miller and G. Maruyama, “Original Position and Peer Popularity,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 33 (1976): 123–131.

J. W. Macfarlane, L. Allen, and M. P. Honzik, A Developmental Study of the Behavior Problems of Normal Children between Twenty-One Months and Fourteen Years (Berkeley, Ca.: University of California Press, 1962).

J. W. Macfarlane, “Studies in Child Guidance. 1. Methodology of Data Collection and Organization,” Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development 3 (1938): No. 6.

“Dear Abby”, San Francisco Chronicle 15 April 1974.

N. Hatvany, “Shyness, Emotional Arousal, and Information Processing” (M.A. thesis, Stanford University, 1976).

R. Stein, “Children – Thriving on Calamity?” San Francisco Chronicle 29 June 1976.

Н. Renaud and F. Estees, “Life History Interviews with One Hundred Normal American Males: “Pathogenicity of Childhood,” American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 31 (1961): 786–802.

E. L. Cowen, A. Pederson, H. Babigian, L. D. Izzo, and M. A. Trost, “Long-Term Follow-Up of Early Detected Vulnerable Children,” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 41 (1973): 438–446.

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