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1 Bubbles/Katie van Dyck;

2 Robertharding.com/Sylvain Grandadam;

3 Rex Features/Erik Pendzica;

4 Robertharding.com;

5—7 Desmond Morris;

8 Travel Ink/Kevin Nicol;

9 ImageState/AGE Fotostock;

10 Paul Doyle;

11 Rapho/Laurence Kourcia;

12 Moviestore Collection;

13 Rex Features/Munawar Hosain;

14 Moviestore Collection;

15 Hutchinson Picture Library/Philip Wolmuth;

16 Impact/Michael Mirecki;

17 Paul Doyle;

18 Hutchinson Picture Library/Kerstin Rodgers;

19 Sportsphoto/David Gadd;

20 Desmond Morris;

21 Network/JB Pictures/J Sartore;

22 Retna/Jenny Acheson;

23—24 Desmond Morris;

25 Impact/Yann Arthus Bertrand with Fuji Film;

26 Frank Lane Picture Agency/P Cauli/Pando Photos;

27 Impact/Simon Shepheard;

28 Rex Features/Michael Friedel;

29 Robertharding.com/Sylvain Grandadam;

30 Rapho/Daniel Riffet;

31 Retna/Kampfher.com;

32 Robertharding.com;

33 Rex Features;

34 Sportsphoto/Mark Lilly;

35 Express Syndication/Jonathan Buckmaster;

36 Sportsphoto/Richard Sellers;

37 Sportsphoto/David Gadd;

38 Desmond Morris;

39 Colorsport;

40 Hutchinson Picture Library/Carlos Freire;

41 Frank Spooner Pictures/Bruno Madjih;

42 Travel Ink/Colin Marshall;

43 Robertharding.com/Michael Busselle;

44 Rex Features/Ray Tang;

45 Frank Spooner Pictures/Gamma/Frangois Lochon;

46 Colorsport/Andrew Cowie;

47 Rex Features/Nils Jorgensen;

48 Anthony Moore;

49 Rex Features/Nils Jorgensen;

50 Moviestore Collection;

51 Impact/Steve Parry;

52 Colorsport;

53 Impact/Mark Cator;

54 NHPA/Martin Harvey;

55 NHPA/George Bernard;

56 Rex Features/Mark Campbell;

57 Magnum Photos/Ferdinando Scianna;

58 Food Features;

59 Robertharding.com;

60 Desmond Morris;

61 Katz Pictures/Valerie Macon/Rea.

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